Risk Management
Business Continuity Planning (BCP)
Threats to business activities such as large-scale disasters and cyber-attacks may not only cause damage
due to the long-term suspension of our operations but also severely affect our stakeholders.
Building on the following basic policies, Junkosha has formulated and implemented
business continuity plans (BCP) to prepare for disasters and other such threats.
BCP Basic Policies
Safeguarding Human Life
Our highest priority is to protect the safety and lives of our associates and onsite visitors.
Ensuring Stable Supply of Products and Services
Our responsibilities include ensuring a stable supply of the products and services on which society depends.
Preventing Secondary Disasters
We pledge to act decisively to contain and minimize damage from events such as fires, explosions, or the spread of infectious disease.
Minimizing Damage
We pledge to minimize the damage caused by suspension of business operations.
Business Continuity Efforts and Response to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Junkosha endeavors to secure the safety of associates and others working at all of our facilities on a daily basis. In addition, we have formulated business continuity planning (BCP) that focuses on key businesses with the potential to generate significant social and economic impact. These plans ensure that our business activities can continue both during and after any events that threaten business continuity, including a major natural disaster or disease epidemic. By formulating and continually refining this BCP, we will ensure the quick recovery of business activities related to our products and services.
We have adopted seismic isolation structures capable of withstanding powerful earthquakes at both our Yamanashi and Kasama Operations Centers. We will periodically review the following initiatives to protect our business from natural disasters:
- Expanding inventories to improve resilience in the face of supply-chain disruptions
- Providing BCP guidance to stakeholders of the supply chain
- Training manufacturing staff to ensure the availability of the wide-ranging production skills needed to shift production between facilities in emergencies
- Adopting redundant backups for computer systems
- Preparing various manuals
First-action manuals for earthquakes and fires
Guidelines on preventing infection in the event of virulent flu outbreaks
We apply the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle to achieve ongoing BCP-related
Thanks to our advance preparations, none of the machinery, equipment, or buildings at our
operations centers were damaged during the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11th, 2011, and all
resumed operations on the following business day.
*Yamanashi Operations Center and the Kasama Operations Center: Significant business locations which focus on manufacturing.
Information Security Basic Policy
While maximizing business efficiency with IT is important for maintaining corporate superiority, ensuring information security is critical in order for business to run normally and smoothly. We will strengthen and promote the information security management system in order to promote more active management that makes full use of IT technology [1], to increase customer satisfaction by promoting business more safely and securely [2], and to continue to pursue information technology development and effective ways of utilizing information that are suitable for associates’ working styles.
We will implement the following guidelines based on the "Information Security Operation Standards" under "Information Security Management Rules" as a guideline for protecting all of our information assets as well as the information received from customers.
Protection of Information Assets
Take appropriate organizational and technical measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Comply with laws and regulations related to information security.
Implementation of Education and Training
Provide necessary education and training so that all associates fully recognize the importance of information assets.
Continuous Improvement
Regularly evaluate and review the "Information Security Basic Policy", related rules and management system, and aim for continuous improvement of information security.
Junkosha Inc.
Mamoru Sogo, CEO
We have declared "SECURITY ACTION" two star.
Junkosha Inc. agrees with purposes of "SECURITY ACTION", which was established by the Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan(IPA), and declared "two star" on September 3rd, 2020.
"SECURITY ACTION" is a Japanese system for small and medium-sized enterprises to self-declare that they will work on information security measures with the aim of realizing a safe and secure IT society.